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News > Settle joins the campaign for a strategy to end youth homelessness
June 12, 2023

Settle joins the campaign for a strategy to end youth homelessness

We are part of a collective of over 100 charities campaigning for these young people and asking government to commit to a strategy to end youth homelessness.

By Shayane Lacey

Youth homelessness is escalating in a way we’ve never seen before. We know that 129,000 young people in the UK approached their council as homeless last year. We also know that only about half of those homeless will approach their council, so the true extent is certainly much bigger.

At Settle, we published our 2022-25 strategy which focuses on our vision that no young person leaving care experiences homelessness.

As our Chief Executive Rich Grahame said at the time:

“Young adults leaving the care system face some of the greatest inequalities that exist in England today. Having a secure home, a decent job and good mental and physical health are the foundations of a good life. Every young person deserves these foundations no matter their start in life.”

We’ve joined a collective of over 100 amazing charities across the UK, all of whom work to support young people stay safe, housed and supported. We’re using our shared platforms to call on the government to commit to a strategy to end youth homelessness.

We’ve pulled together the recommendations and proven solutions into a policy briefing that can deliver this much needed change.

Want to join us? Share this post, raise your voice and help us make this a reality