News > UK riots - statement from Settle's Chief Executive
Aug. 6, 2024

UK riots - statement from Settle's Chief Executive

We stand in solidarity with Muslim communities, people of colour and all those who have been attacked and threatened by these events.

By Rich Grahame

We are appalled by the racist, anti-migrant and islamophobic violence that has been taking place over the last week.

We stand in solidarity with Muslim communities, people of colour and all those who have been attacked and threatened by these events. We reject this hatred which has no place in our society.

At Settle, our priority is the safety and wellbeing of our community of young people and our team. We will be working hard to support and safeguard them over the coming weeks. This is not the first time we’ve seen this and it will not be the last.

Hate thrives on inaction. Progress is not inevitable. We all need to play our part in challenging what we’re seeing and supporting those impacted.