News > 2020 End of Year Message
Dec. 16, 2020

2020 End of Year Message

This has been a year like no other. Read our Chief Executive Rich’s reflections on 2020.

By Rich Grahame

Dear friends,

2020 has been a year like no other. As the country went into lockdown in March we were faced with a perfect storm. Demand for our work spiked as young people lost their jobs and struggled with their mental health whilst the funding landscape had never looked more uncertain.

We are incredibly proud of what we have accomplished in 2020 against this backdrop. This year we have:

  • Worked with 94 young people at risk of homelessness 
    This is the most young people we’ve ever worked with in our 5-year history

  • Delivered our Covid emergency response project 
    We distributed over £14,000 worth of food vouchers, sim cards and phones to 69 young people in need 

  • Expanded our reach to the South East 
    This is through our new fully remote service and is the first time we’ve worked outside of London 

Although there are still unknowns ahead of us, we are in a good position to hit the ground running in 2021 and continue to prevent even more young people from becoming homeless.

We simply wouldn’t have been able to achieve this without you – our incredible community of partners, supporters and funders.

Thank you for all your support and on behalf of the Settle team we wish you a restful holiday period.

Best wishes,
Rich Grahame, Chief Executive

Team Settle celebrating at our virtual Christmas lunch!